7 Myths About Social Dancing

Myth #1 – Social dancing is old-fashioned

Ballroom dancing is more than just your traditional Waltz and Jitterbug! Ballroom dancing is defined as any partner dance and includes a myriad of fun dances – you’re sure to find at least one favorite. Partner dancing is gaining popularity due to televised dance competitions and live music events at clubs and restaurants; finding somewhere to dance is definitely becoming easier to find!

Myth #2 – Dancing is only for (blank) people (young, old, advanced, etc.)

The social dance scene is a very diverse community. You will see people of all ages and backgrounds, all rallying around a common interest. Sometimes, retirees feel like they are the minority, other times, younger dancers feel the same way. You will see everything – from the tween getting ready for a school dance, a young professional having a good time with friends, middle-aged couples enjoying a date night, to retirees making more time for fun.

Myth #3 – You must have a dance partner to social dance

Remember, dance is all about community. Both inside and outside of our dance studio, we promote the importance of the social dance world as an inclusive and inviting community. As an activity designed to be in a social environment, you do not need a partner to go social dancing; you just need a bit of bravery and a willingness to make new friends. Even if you bring a partner with you, it’s still a good idea to be willing to dance with other people as well. Dancing can contribute to a well-rounded and confident approach to meeting new people, and hopefully to make new friends! Our parties provide the perfect opportunity to dance with new friends under the watchful eyes of your instructors!

Myth #4 – Social dancing is only for meeting romantic partners

Meeting people and improved self confidence can help in finding a date if that is your goal; however, social dancing is not exclusively a dating service. Accepting an invitation to dance does not constitute interest outside of dancing – you can just go dancing to have fun! You can dance without worrying about romantic interest. Most people dance purely for the fun of it!

On the flip side., if you are looking for something more meaningful than a few dances, dancing provides a great opportunity. Not only does it improve your confidence and social skills, dancing provides a shared experience and common interest that you can discuss with potential partners. Dancing itself can act as an icebreaker during dates or social gatherings by giving you something to focus on and talk about, alleviating potential awkwardness or silences. You can share your enthusiasm for dancing and even teach your date some basic steps, creating a light and enjoyable atmosphere!

Myth #5 – You have to accept every invitation to dance

It is perfectly acceptable to say “no, thank you” when asked to dance. Maybe you need a break after a fast salsa, or perhaps you are in the middle of a conversation (or you just aren’t comfortable dancing with that specific person). As long as you are polite and respectful, it is perfectly fine to decline. If you want them to ask again later, feel free to let them know!

Myth #6 – Social dancing is only for people who really know what they’re doing

You may think that “only good dancers go dancing”, but how did they get so good? Social dancing makes you a good dancer! Those same dancers you are talking about were once beginners. Social dancing (especially at one of our parties) is a laid back way to have fun and focus more on dancing rather than the precision of steps and technique. Social dancing enhances partnering skills and improves creative thinking skills (especially when you have to maneuver crowded floors).

Myth #7 – Social dancing teaches you bad dancing habits

If you value technique and correct styling on the dance floor., you may be unsure that social dancing is for you. Perhaps you’ve heard that social dancers do not have good technique or other bad habits. While social dancing is not as formal as dancing in a showcase or competition, social dancing allows you to focus on skills that social dancing thrives on, such as lead and follow, floorcraft, musicality, and expression.

Ready to start your dancing journey? Call us today! 561-851-4808