Viennese Waltz Dance Classes Jupiter FL (Palm Beach County)
American Smooth Viennese Waltz
International Standard Viennese Waltz
Viennese Waltz
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The Viennese Waltz first emerged in the mid-18th century and was a staple for European royalty during the 19th century. It has became the only dance of that era which is still performed by the American public. Prior to the birth of Viennese Waltz, the aristocrats cultivated slow dances at their courts with very rigid and strictly bound ceremonies that did not permit any liberties. Dancing partners had to keep their distance with just a slight touch of the hands. The most startling innovation of the dance was the close proximity of the partners; so daring, it only became socially acceptable in Great Britain after it was danced publicly by Queen Victoria. The Viennese Waltz offered a more liberal lifestyle compared to the rigid manners of aristocratic dances. Viennese Waltz allowed dancers to drop their composure and free their emotions. Initially, these liberties presented by Viennese Waltz were considered very scandalous. It is a dance that requires a great deal of control and stamina, due mainly to the tempo of the music.
The Viennese Waltz is a progressive and turning dance and features some figures that are danced in place. Rise and fall is used in the dance but differently than in other smooth dances. In Waltz and Foxtrot, a dancer will often rise above their normal standing height but in the Viennese Waltz that’s not done. Rise is created through the knees and body. The Viennese Waltz is a classic dance style that is featured in many romantic movies and animated films. It is characterized by sweeping, graceful turns that rotate quickly around the floor. Although it shares many similarities to the slow Waltz, it is danced at a much faster tempo—twice the speed of the slow Waltz.
Today, Viennese Waltz is danced at the competitive level in both the International Standard and American Smooth categories and is still a popular social dance in ballroom dance studios. International Style Viennese Waltz is danced in a closed position and the syllabus is limited to certain movements including natural and reverse turns, changes, fleckerls, contra check, left whisk, and canter pivots. American Style Viennese Waltz is danced in both open and closed dance positions and has much more freedom than it’s International counterpart. It’s full of fun interpretations with a more theatrical feel leaving closed position to explore alternative holds, underarm turns and side by side choreography.